Sick Dog Care: How to Care for a Dog Not Feeling Well?

A dog whose temperature is being checked!
Our pups bring us so much happiness, so it’s scary when they’re sick! Is your dog feeling a bit off, maybe with a tummy ache? Don’t worry! This dog guide can help but specifically dealing with sick dog care. With some love, care, and tips, you can get your furry friend back on their paws feeling better in no time!

Recognizing the Signs: When Your Dog Isn’t Themselves

Dogs can’t tell us exactly how they’re feeling, so it’s essential to be observant and recognize signs that might indicate illness. Some common red flags include:

  • Changes in Appetite: A sudden loss of interest in food, especially their favorite treats, can cause concern.
  • Lethargy: If your ordinarily energetic dog seems sluggish or uninterested in playing, it could be a sign they’re not feeling well.
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea: Occasional digestive issues happen, but persistent vomiting or diarrhea can be dehydrating and require a vet visit.
  • Fever: A healthy dog’s temperature typically falls between 101-102.5°F (38.3-39.2°C). Take your dog’s temperature rectally if you suspect a fever.
  • Behavioral Changes: Unusual aggression, hiding, or excessive whining can be signs of discomfort or pain.

Seeking Professional Help for Sick Dog Care

While home care can be helpful for some minor illnesses, it’s crucial to seek professional help whenever you’re unsure about the cause of your dog’s disease or if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for a speedy recovery, especially of severe conditions. Don’t hesitate to call your veterinarian if you notice any of the following:

  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea, especially with blood
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Extreme lethargy or inability to stand
  • Persistent coughing
  • Abdominal pain or swelling
  • Unusual discharge from the eyes or nose

Promote Rest and Recovery

Just like us, dogs need plenty of rest to heal. Here’s how to create a comfortable environment for your recuperating pup:

  • Quiet Space: Designate a quiet area in your home away from high-traffic zones and loud noises. A spare room, a crate lined with soft bedding, or a dog bed in a secluded corner can all work well.
  • Minimize Disruptions: Limit activity around your dog’s resting area. Consider informing children about the situation and asking them to be gentle when interacting with the dog. If you have other pets, it might be best to separate them temporarily to avoid additional stress.
  • Temperature Regulation: Maintain a comfortable room temperature that’s not too hot or cold. You can adjust the thermostat or use a small heating pad (on low setting) for additional warmth, but always supervise your dog to avoid overheating.

Hydration and Nutrition

Dehydration can worsen a dog’s condition. Here are some tips to keep your pup hydrated:

  • Fresh, Clean Water: Ensure fresh, clean water is always readily available. You can even add a few ice cubes to keep it cool. Consider using a stainless steel water bowl, as plastic bowls can harbor bacteria.
  • Electrolyte Boost: In some cases, your veterinarian might recommend an electrolyte solution to help replenish lost fluids.

As for nutrition, some adjustments might be necessary depending on your dog’s illness. Here’s what to consider:

  • Bland Diet: If your dog is vomiting, your vet might recommend a bland diet for a day or two to ease their stomach. Boiled chicken and white rice are a common go-to option. Gradually introduce their regular food back in as their condition improves.
  • Veterinary-Recommended Diet: For specific illnesses, your vet might recommend a special diet formulated for easier digestion or to address nutritional deficiencies. Always follow their instructions regarding portion sizes and feeding schedules.
  • Tempting Treats: If your dog has a reduced appetite, try offering small, enticing treats like cooked chicken or a bit of canned food (warmed slightly) to encourage them to eat.

Medication Administration: Following the Vet’s Orders

If your veterinarian prescribes medication for your dog, follow their instructions carefully regarding dosage, frequency, and administration methods. Here are some tips for a smoother experience:

  • Know Your Medication: Ask your vet about the medication’s purpose, potential side effects, and how long you need to administer it.
  • Crush or Hide? Some medications come in chewable tablets, but if your dog resists taking them directly, ask your vet if it’s okay to crush them and mix them with food or a bit of wet food. You can also try hiding the pill in a pill pocket, a small, soft treat specifically designed to disguise medication.
  • Syringe Savvy: Use the provided syringe or dropper to measure the accurate dosage for liquid medications. Squeeze the medication slowly into the pouch between your dog’s cheek and teeth, aiming for the back of their mouth. Hold their mouth closed briefly and gently blow on their nose to encourage swallowing.

Monitoring and Communication: Keeping an Eye on Your Pooch

While your dog recuperates, keep a close eye on their progress. This includes:

  • Monitor your dog’s appetite and energy levels. A gradual improvement in both is a positive sign.
  • Observe for any worsening of existing symptoms or development of new ones.
  • If your dog has a fever, take their temperature periodically to track if it returns to normal.
  • Monitor your dog’s bowel movements for consistency and blood.

Communication is Key

Don’t hesitate to update your veterinarian on your dog’s condition, especially if you notice any concerning changes. This allows them to adjust treatment or recommend further diagnostics if necessary.

Additional Tips for a Speedy Recovery

Here are some additional tips to promote your dog’s well-being during their recovery:

Limited Exercise: Rest is crucial, so restrict exercise based on your vet’s instructions. Short leash walks outside might be okay for potty breaks but avoid strenuous activity or playtime.

Hygiene and Cleanliness: If your dog has vomiting or diarrhea, clean up messes promptly to prevent the spread of bacteria. Regularly clean their bedding and surrounding area to maintain hygiene.

Emotional Support: Don’t underestimate the power of love and affection. Spend time cuddling and comforting your dog. Speak to them soothingly and let them know you’re there for them.


Seeing your dog sick can be a worrying experience, but by following these tips and providing loving care, you can play a vital role in their recovery. Early diagnosis and veterinary guidance are essential for a speedy return to good health. Remember, sick dog care is about creating a comfortable and supportive environment, monitoring their condition, and following your veterinarian’s instructions. With these elements and your unwavering love, your furry friend will return to their playful, energetic self in no time!


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