French Bulldog Fruits: What Fruit Can French Bulldogs Eat?

A black French bulldog looking at fruits on the table
What kind of fruits French Bulldogs can eat? French Bulldogs can safely eat a variety of fruits, including apples, blueberries, bananas, strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, pears, pineapple, peaches, and cantaloupe. Just ensure the fruits are served in moderation and prepared properly. Feeding your French Bulldog a balanced diet is essential for their overall health and happiness. While their regular meals provide the necessary nutrients, adding fruits to their diet can be a delightful treat. But, not all fruits are safe for French Bulldogs, and it’s crucial to know which ones are beneficial and which should be avoided. This post will guide you through varioss French Bulldog fruits they can eat safely, including kiwi fruit, and provide tips on how to serve them properly.

French Bulldog Fruits

Want to add a little variety to your Frenchie’s diet? Fruits can be a delicious and nutritious treat for your furry friend. Let’s discover which ones are safe and how to serve them.


Mangoes are a sweet and tropical fruit that French Bulldogs can enjoy in moderation. They are packed with vitamins A, B6, C, and E, which contribute to your dog’s overall health, including skin, eye, and immune system support. Mangoes also contain dietary fiber, which aids in digestion. However, due to their high sugar content, it’s best to serve mangoes as an occasional treat.

When feeding mangoes to your French Bulldog, make sure to remove the skin and the large central pit, as it can be a choking hazard and contains small amounts of cyanide. Slice the mango into small, manageable pieces to make it easier for your dog to eat. Offering a few small pieces of mango once a week is a delightful way to treat your Frenchie without overloading them with sugar.


Apples are a fantastic treat for French Bulldogs. They are packed with vitamins A and C, as well as fiber, which can aid in digestion. The crunchiness of apples also helps clean your dog’s teeth, making them a healthy snack option. However, it’s essential to remove the seeds and core, as they contain cyanide, which can be harmful to your dog.

After apples, you might wonder if smaller fruits like blueberries are suitable for your French Bulldog. Let’s explore that next!


Blueberries are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. These tiny fruits are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, which help boost your dog’s immune system. They are also low in calories, making them an excellent snack for French Bulldogs who need to watch their weight. You can serve them fresh or frozen, and they’re perfect for training treats or as a refreshing snack on a hot day.

Next up, let’s look at a more filling option that also packs a nutritional punch—bananas.


French Bulldog eating banana

Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamins B6 and C, and fiber. They are great for providing a quick energy boost and can help support your dog’s digestive system. However, because bananas are high in sugar, it’s best to offer them in moderation. A small slice of banana a few times a week should be enough to satisfy your French Bulldog’s sweet tooth without overloading them with sugar.

Now that we’ve covered a fruit high in sugar, let’s move on to strawberries, which offer a sweet yet healthy option.


A french bulldog eating strawberry

Strawberries are another excellent fruit for French Bulldogs. They are packed with vitamin C and fiber, and they can even help whiten your dog’s teeth due to their enzyme content. Strawberries are best served in small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking. They can be given fresh or mashed up in your dog’s food for a burst of flavor.

After enjoying some strawberries, your Frenchie might be curious about a more exotic fruit like kiwi. Can French Bulldogs eat kiwi fruit? Let’s find out!

Kiwi Fruit

Yes, French Bulldogs can eat kiwi fruit! Kiwis are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, which can contribute to your dog’s overall health. Before feeding kiwi to your Frenchie, remove the skin and slice the fruit into small pieces to avoid any choking hazards. Offering a slice of kiwi occasionally is a great way to add variety to your dog’s diet.

Now that we’ve covered kiwi, let’s discuss a hydrating option like watermelon, which is perfect for keeping your dog refreshed. Remember dehydration in dog or any other living thing has been very dangerous!


a man feeding watermelon to 2 cute french bulldogs

Watermelon is a highly hydrating fruit, making it perfect for hot summer days. It’s rich in vitamins A, B6, and C, and it also contains a good amount of water, which helps keep your dog hydrated. When serving watermelon to your French Bulldog, make sure to remove the seeds and rind, as they can cause digestive issues. A few small cubes of watermelon are all it takes to give your dog a tasty and refreshing treat.

After such a juicy treat, a fruit like pears can offer a different texture and taste. Let’s dive into that next.


Pears are a fiber-rich fruit that can aid in digestion and help maintain a healthy weight. They also contain vitamin C, which is great for boosting your French Bulldog’s immune system. However, like apples, pears should be peeled and de-seeded before being served to your dog. A few small slices of pear are a perfect snack for your Frenchie.

Once your French Bulldog has enjoyed pears, you might consider offering something tropical like pineapple. Let’s see how that fits into their diet.


Pineapple is a tropical treat that is safe and nutritious for French Bulldogs. It is packed with vitamins C and B6, as well as manganese and bromelain, an enzyme that can aid in digestion. However, it’s essential to remove the tough skin and core before feeding pineapple to your dog. A small amount of pineapple served occasionally can add a burst of flavor to your Frenchie’s diet.

With such a sweet treat, you might wonder if a fruit like peaches is also safe. Let’s explore that now.


Peaches are another sweet and juicy fruit that French Bulldogs can enjoy. They are rich in vitamin A and fiber, which are great for maintaining healthy skin and digestion. Before giving peaches to your Frenchie, remove the pit and slice the fruit into small pieces. The pit contains cyanide, which is toxic to dogs, so be sure to discard it safely. A small piece of peach now and then can be a delightful treat for your dog.

Finally, after peaches, a hydrating and sweet fruit like cantaloupe can round off the list. Let’s take a look at that next.


Cantaloupe is a refreshing and hydrating fruit that is rich in vitamins A and C. It’s also low in calories, making it a great treat for French Bulldogs who need to maintain a healthy weight. When serving cantaloupe, remove the seeds and rind, and offer the flesh in small, bite-sized pieces. Cantaloupe is a wonderful fruit to include in your dog’s summer diet.

General Feeding Tips

When feeding fruits to your French Bulldog, moderation is key. Fruits should only make up about 10% of your dog’s diet, with their regular food providing the majority of their nutritional needs. It’s also important to introduce new fruits gradually and in small quantities to monitor for any allergic reactions or digestive issues. Whenever possible, choose organic fruits to avoid exposure to pesticides.

As we’ve explored the fruits your French Bulldog can enjoy, you may have some questions about fruit options for puppies or which fruits to avoid. Let’s address those in the FAQs.


What kind of food is ideal for French Bulldogs?

Seek dog food that includes high-quality sources of protein, such fish, poultry, lamb, or beef. These protein sources have to be the first items on the ingredient list, and they ought to be from whole meats as opposed to meal or by-products.

What fruit can French Bulldog puppies eat?

French Bulldog puppies can eat small amounts of soft fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and banana slices. Always introduce fruits gradually and in tiny portions to avoid digestive upset.

What fruit should I avoid feeding my Frenchie?

Avoid feeding your French Bulldog grapes, raisins, cherries, and avocados, as they can be toxic and cause severe health issues. Always research any new fruit before giving it to your dog.

What fruit and veg can French Bulldogs eat?

In addition to fruits, French Bulldogs can enjoy certain vegetables like carrots, green beans, and cucumbers. These should be given in moderation and cut into bite-sized pieces.

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