Are French Bulldogs Smart? A Fun Dive Into Frenchie Intelligence!

a black frenchie sitting in front of a laptop
French Bulldogs have become one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, known for their adorable bat-like ears, quirky personalities, and endless affection. If you’re a Frenchie owner or a breed fan, you’ve probably wondered: Are French Bulldogs smart? The answer? Well, it depends on how you define “smart.” You see, intelligence in dogs isn’t just about how fast they can learn to sit, stay, or roll over. It’s much deeper than that. In this post, we will break down exactly how French Bulldogs measure up when it comes to smarts, and what kind of intelligence they excel at. Spoiler alert: they’re a lot smarter than you might think.

Are French Bulldogs Smart? Understanding Intelligence!

Before we dive into “Are French Bulldogs smart or dumb?”, we need to understand what dog intelligence even means. According to experts like Stanley Coren, who wrote the book The Intelligence of Dogs, canine intelligence can be broken down into three main categories:

  1. Instinctive intelligence: This is the dog’s natural ability to do the job it was bred for. For example, Border Collies are amazing at herding sheep because it’s in their DNA. French Bulldogs, on the other hand, were bred to be companions, so their instinctive intelligence is more about bonding with humans.
  2. Adaptive intelligence: This refers to how well a dog can learn from experience. Can they figure out problems on their own? Do they adapt to changes in their environment? French Bulldogs, as we’ll see, are quite sharp in this department.
  3. Working and obedience intelligence: This is probably what most people think of when they ask if a dog is smart—how quickly a dog learns commands and follows instructions. Spoiler alert: Frenchies might not be the best at this one, but they’re still capable learners.

So, where do French Bulldogs fit into these categories? Let’s dig in!

Understanding the Intelligence of French Bulldogs

There are different types of French Bulldogs but they are not dogs that you’ll see competing in agility championships or performing complex tricks. They’re not known for being star students in the obedience world. French Bulldogs rank on the lower end of the obedience intelligence scale, according to Stanley Coren’s research.

But here’s the thing: just because a Frenchie doesn’t want to fetch a ball 50 times doesn’t mean they’re not intelligent. They’re just intelligent in different ways. It’s kind of like how some people are great at math but terrible at cooking. French Bulldogs shine in adaptive intelligence and emotional bonding, which, in many ways, are more meaningful forms of intelligence, especially for a breed that was specifically created to be a companion animal.

Adaptive Intelligence: Frenchies Are Problem-Solvers

When it comes to adaptive intelligence, French Bulldogs can be pretty clever. This type of intelligence is about how well a dog can figure out things for themselves. Frenchies are known for learning routines quickly and solving problems that matter to them. For example, if your Frenchie realizes that making a certain sound gets them a treat, guess what? They’ll remember that and start using it to their advantage.

These dogs are great at figuring out how to get what they want. Have you ever seen a Frenchie look at you with those big puppy-dog eyes until you cave and give them attention or food? Yep, that’s adaptive intelligence at work.

Routine Masters:

French Bulldogs are also creatures of habit. They quickly pick up on your routine and will know when it’s time for a walk, dinner, or bedtime. Some Frenchie owners report that their dogs even know what time they leave for work, and start waiting at the door around that time.

French Bulldogs’ ability to adapt to different environments also shows just how sharp they can be. Moving to a new home? It won’t take long before your Frenchie figures out where the cozy spots are, where you keep the snacks, and exactly when you’re about to head out the door.

Emotional Intelligence: Frenchies Know Your Feelings

One of the things that makes French Bulldogs stand out is their incredible emotional intelligence. They are masters at picking up on human emotions. If you’re feeling down, don’t be surprised if your Frenchie suddenly becomes more affectionate, cuddling up to comfort you. On the flip side, when you’re happy or excited, your Frenchie will probably mirror that energy.

Many dog behavior experts, like Dr. Brian Hare from the Duke Canine Cognition Center, emphasize that emotional intelligence is a key component of a dog’s overall cognitive ability. French Bulldogs may not excel at obedience tasks, but they’re exceptionally good at understanding and responding to human emotions.

Their ability to bond closely with their humans is one reason why French Bulldogs make fantastic companion dogs. This bond isn’t just cute; it’s a reflection of their social intelligence, something that’s hard to measure on a traditional IQ scale but incredibly valuable in real life.

Obedience and Training in French Bulldogs!

Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room: French Bulldogs can be, well, stubborn. This isn’t to say they’re incapable of learning commands, but they might not be as eager to do so as other breeds. In terms of working and obedience intelligence, Frenchies rank lower compared to breeds like Border Collies or German Shepherds. That said, it doesn’t mean they’re not trainable—it just takes a bit more patience and the right approach.

Why Are French Bulldogs Stubborn?

The subject “Are French bulldogs smart?” has one more question to discover the truth and it is about its stubbornness. French Bulldogs have a bit of a reputation for being independent thinkers. They might know exactly what you’re asking them to do, but they’ll take their sweet time deciding whether or not they want to do it. This stubbornness doesn’t reflect a lack of intelligence; rather, it shows that Frenchies like to do things on their own terms.

Many experts believe that this trait is tied to their breeding. French Bulldogs were bred to be companions, not working dogs, so they haven’t developed the same “work ethic” that you might find in breeds designed for hunting, herding, or guarding.

Training Tips for French Bulldogs

two frenchie bulldogs having leashes and a women holding them

So how do you train a French Bulldog without pulling your hair out? It’s all about finding the right techniques and staying consistent. Here are some tips that will help:

  1. Positive Reinforcement is Key: French Bulldogs respond best to positive reinforcement methods like treats, praise, and playtime. Don’t expect them to follow commands because they “should”—you’ve got to make it worth their while. Invest in training tools like clickers and treat pouches to keep them motivated.
  2. Keep Sessions Short and Fun: Frenchies have short attention spans, so it’s better to keep training sessions brief but frequent. A 5-minute session twice a day is often more effective than a single 20-minute session. Use high-value treats during training to keep their attention.
  3. Be Patient and Consistent: Training any dog takes time, but with French Bulldogs, patience is critical. They may not get it right away, and that’s okay. Consistency is the most important factor in getting your Frenchie to learn.

Training Tools like clickers, treat bags, and puzzle toys can make the process smoother. Using toys or puzzles that require your dog to think can also stimulate their cognitive ability, which helps prevent boredom and strengthens their mental sharpness.

How French Bulldogs Show Their Intelligence?

In the discussion till now, we see “Are French Bulldogs smart?” Now it’s time to see how they show their intelligence. French Bulldogs might not be agility champions, but they’re still smart in their unique ways. Let’s look at some real-world examples of how French Bulldogs demonstrate their intelligence.

Understanding Commands and Routines?

Despite their stubborn streak, French Bulldogs can learn commands. While they might not pick up on them as quickly as a Labrador Retriever, with consistent training, Frenchies can master basic obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Many owners have succeeded with their Frenchies even learning tricks like shaking hands or rolling over. The key here is making it fun and rewarding for them.

Their routine recognition is another clear sign of their intelligence. Most French Bulldogs quickly pick up on daily schedules, whether it’s knowing when it’s time for a walk, or even when their owner is about to leave the house. They’ll sometimes wait by the door or start looking for their leash when it’s time for their daily outing.

Problem-Solving in Everyday Life

Remember, adaptive intelligence is about figuring things out on your own, and Frenchies do this surprisingly well. Whether it’s finding a way to reach that treat on the counter or learning that certain behaviors will get them what they want, French Bulldogs can be quite resourceful.

Some Frenchies even figure out how to manipulate their owners! For instance, they might pretend to follow a command, like lying down, only to pop up at the last minute when they think they’ll get a treat anyway. It’s not exactly what you were hoping for, but it’s certainly a clever way of solving their “problem”—getting a treat!

Emotional Sensitivity

As discussed earlier, emotional intelligence is a huge part of what makes French Bulldogs smart. These dogs are in tune with their owner’s emotions, and they often change their behavior based on how they’re feeling. Feeling sad? Don’t be surprised if your Frenchie comes over to snuggle. Excited about something? They’ll probably mirror that energy and start wagging their tail or bouncing around.

Common Misconceptions About French Bulldog Intelligence

One of the biggest misconceptions is that stubbornness equals a lack of intelligence. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Just because a dog doesn’t immediately follow a command doesn’t mean they’re not smart—it could just mean they’re deciding whether it’s worth their time.

French Bulldogs, like other stubborn dog breeds (e.g., Shiba Inus or Basset Hounds), might be slower to respond to training, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less intelligent. Their stubbornness often comes from their independent thinking and the fact that they might have their own agenda.

Another misconception is that French Bulldogs are lazy and don’t need much mental stimulation. Sure, they love a good nap, but they also thrive when given opportunities to use their brains. Whether it’s with interactive toys, puzzles, or learning new tricks, keeping a French Bulldog mentally engaged is crucial for their happiness and well-being.


So, are French Bulldogs smart? Absolutely! They may not rank high on the traditional obedience scale, but their intelligence lies in their ability to solve problems, adapt to their environment, and, most importantly, form deep emotional connections with their humans. They’re smart in ways that matter most for a companion breed—in their loyalty, emotional sensitivity, and adaptability.

Whether you’re thinking of adopting a Frenchie or already have one snuggled up on your couch, just remember: their intelligence might be a little different than what you see in other breeds, but that makes it all the more special. Keep on visiting PetJazeera for more information about French Bulldogs!


Are French Bulldog mixes smart?

Yes, French Bulldog mixes are generally considered smart. The intelligence of a mixed breed often depends on the specific breeds that make up the mix. If one or both parent breeds are known for their intelligence (like a Poodle or Border Collie), the mix is likely to be quite bright.

Do Frenchies have a good memory?

Yes, French bulldogs have fantastic memories, especially regarding routines and recognizing familiar people or places. Once they learn something, they remember it well.

Are French Bulldogs difficult?

They can be challenging because of their stubbornness, but with the right training techniques, they’re more than capable of learning commands and good behavior.

Do French Bulldogs pick a person?

Yes! Many French Bulldogs form an especially close bond with one person in the household, although they’re typically affectionate with everyone in the family.

Why are French Bulldogs so special?

French Bulldogs are special because of their unique combination of emotional intelligence, loyalty, and quirky personalities. They’re the perfect companion dogs for people who want a loving, low-maintenance pet with tons of personality.

What do Frenchies love?

French Bulldogs love attention, cuddles, playtime, and food. They’re also fans of routine and enjoy being around their humans as much as possible.

What not to do with a Frenchie?

Avoid leaving them alone for long periods, exposing them to extreme heat, or using harsh training methods. French Bulldogs respond best to positive reinforcement and gentle handling.

How to tell if a Frenchie is happy?

A happy French Bulldog will wag its tail, show excitement, and be playful. They’ll often seek out affection and cuddles when they’re feeling content.

What do you think?
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