French Bulldog Shedding: Do French Bulldog Really Shed? Effective Solutions for Less Fur!

french bulldog shedding: a Frenchie standing with minimum hairs
If you’re a proud owner of a French Bulldog, or you’re thinking of getting one of these adorable little companions, you’ve probably wondered, “How much do French Bulldogs shed?” While they’re known for their short, smooth coats, they do shed, and it might surprise you how much fur can build up in your home. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about French Bulldog shedding, why it happens, and most importantly, how to manage it effectively.

Understanding French Bulldog Shedding!

Do French bulldogs shed? Does French Bulldog shed a lot? These questions are very common. Yes, it’s true – French Bulldogs shed. And while they don’t shed as much as long-haired breeds, you’ll still find yourself dealing with fur, especially during specific times of the year. Seasonal changes, health, and even the type of grooming routine you follow can impact how much fur ends up on your clothes, furniture, and floors.

What Are French Bulldogs Shedding Reasons?

Some people consider shedding in pros of cons and some in cons. Pros because they do not shed a lot and cons because they also fall hair. Shedding is normal for French Bulldogs – and really, for all dogs. It’s their body’s way of getting rid of old, dead hair so new, healthy fur can grow in its place. However, the shedding amount can vary depending on a few key factors.

  • Seasonal Shedding: Ever notice your Frenchie shedding more in the spring and fall? That’s because they’re prepping for warmer or cooler weather. This seasonal shedding helps them adjust their coat thickness.
  • Health and Nutrition: If your French Bulldog isn’t eating a well-balanced diet or is experiencing health issues, they might shed more than usual. A lack of essential nutrients, particularly Omega-3 fatty acids, can lead to excessive shedding or even hair loss.
  • Allergies: Like us, French Bulldogs can have allergies. Whether it’s pollen, dust, or even a grooming product, these triggers can cause allergic reactions and lead to more shedding.

How to Manage Shedding in French Bulldogs?

Now that you know why French Bulldogs shed, let’s talk about how you can manage it. While it’s impossible to stop it altogether, there are plenty of ways to minimize the amount of fur you’ll have to clean up.

Regular Grooming

One of the most effective ways to reduce French Bulldog shedding is through regular grooming. Not only does it help keep your pup looking great, but it also prevents loose fur from spreading everywhere. Here’s how you can create a grooming routine for your Frenchie:

  • Weekly Brushing: Use a shedding brush for Frenchies at least once a week. A Frenchie shedding brush or a bulldog shedding brush with soft bristles will help grab loose fur before it falls out. For more stubborn shedding, a de-shedding brush for French Bulldogs like the Furminator can reach deep into the undercoat.
  • Deshedding Tools: If your Frenchie is shedding like crazy, consider investing in a deshedding tool for French Bulldogs. These tools are designed to get rid of dead fur from their undercoat without irritating their skin. Some of the best deshedding tools for French Bulldogs are easy to find online and in pet stores.
  • Bathing Routine: Bath your Frenchie once every few weeks using a gentle, anti-shedding shampoo. This helps reduce fur loss by keeping their coat and skin healthy. Be careful not to over-bathe, though, as it can dry out their skin, leading to even more shedding.

Nutrition for a Healthy Coat

A healthy coat starts from the inside, so feeding your French Bulldog a high-quality diet is key. Foods rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids help improve the condition of your dog’s skin and coat, which naturally reduces excessive shedding.

Look for dog food that specifically mentions skin and coat health, and if needed, consider adding a fish oil supplement. Not only does this promote shiny fur, but it also strengthens hair follicles, meaning less shedding overall. If your French Bulldog is shedding too much, a change in diet can make a world of difference.

Allergy Management

Unfortunately, many French Bulldogs suffer from skin allergies, which can cause inflammation, itching, and yes – more shedding. If you’ve noticed your Frenchie shedding a lot or scratching constantly, allergies could be the culprit. Try switching to hypoallergenic grooming products and consult with your vet about possible dietary or environmental allergens.

You can also keep their bedding clean and dust-free to minimize allergens. Regular vacuuming using a HEPA filter helps reduce pet dander that can trigger allergic reactions in both your dog and family members.

Maintaining Your Home Environment

Dealing with French Bulldog shedding isn’t just about managing your dog’s coat – it’s about keeping your home fur-free too. Here are some handy tips:

  • Vacuum Regularly: Invest in a vacuum with a HEPA filter to handle pet hair. This helps capture loose fur and pet dander that might trigger allergies.
  • Lint Rollers: Always keep a lint roller nearby! They’re lifesavers for quick cleanups of loose fur on clothes and furniture.
  • Wash Bedding Frequently: Your French Bulldog’s bedding collects fur over time. Be sure to wash their bed, blankets, and soft toys regularly to keep things fresh and clean.

Consulting a Veterinarian

If you notice anything unusual, like bulldog excessive shedding, bald spots, or thinning fur, it’s worth checking with your vet. French Bulldogs can experience skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, or other health problems that affect their coat health. Your vet can help you pinpoint the cause and suggest treatments or dietary changes to manage it better.

How to Prevent French Bulldog Shedding?

While you can’t completely stop French Bulldog shedding, you can reduce it by following these simple steps:

  1. Brush Regularly: Brushing your French Bulldog a couple of times a week with a de-shedding brush or Furminator brush can drastically reduce the amount of loose hair in your home.
  2. Bathing with Anti-Shedding Shampoo: Use a gentle anti-shedding shampoo designed for short-haired breeds like Frenchies to clean and moisturize their coat. A regular bath every 3-4 weeks can keep shedding in check.
  3. Provide a Balanced Diet: A diet rich in nutrients, especially Omega-3 fatty acids, helps maintain healthy skin and fur. Fish oil supplements are a great way to add these essential nutrients if your dog isn’t getting enough through their food.
  4. Manage Allergies: Whether it’s food or environmental allergies, keeping your Frenchie away from triggers can prevent excessive shedding. Use hypoallergenic grooming products and clean your home often to reduce allergens.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Ensure your French Bulldog drinks plenty of water. Hydrated skin is less likely to become dry and flaky, which helps minimize fur loss.

Tips to Care for French Bulldog Shedding!

A man in red carrying french bulldog!

Here are six quick tips to help you manage your French Bulldog’s shedding like a pro:

  1. Use the Best Shedding Brush for Bulldogs: A good-quality brush is your first line of defense against fur build-up. For French Bulldogs, a soft-bristle brush or a Furminator works wonders. It helps get rid of loose fur while being gentle on their sensitive skin.
  2. Stick to a Consistent Grooming Routine: Set up a weekly grooming schedule for your French Bulldog. This helps reduce the amount of shedding and keeps their coat looking shiny and healthy.
  3. Watch for Signs of Excessive Shedding: If your Frenchie sheds a lot, especially more than usual, take note. Excessive shedding could be due to allergies, diet, or underlying health issues, so don’t hesitate to get a vet’s opinion.
  4. Switch to Hypoallergenic Grooming Products: French Bulldogs are prone to skin sensitivities, so make sure you’re using grooming products that are free from harsh chemicals or allergens. Hypoallergenic shampoos can prevent skin irritation, which often leads to more shedding.
  5. Keep Your Home Clean: Regular vacuuming, washing your dog’s bedding, and using a lint roller on furniture will help keep your home relatively fur-free. It’s a simple but effective way to stay ahead of the shedding season.
  6. Consider Dietary Supplements: Adding supplements like fish oil can improve your French Bulldog’s coat health. Not only does it promote a shiny coat, but it also helps reduce shedding by strengthening hair follicles.


Managing French Bulldog shedding may seem overwhelming, but it’s manageable with the right routine in place. From regular grooming and brushing to ensuring your Frenchie has a well-balanced diet, you can minimize the fur left behind in your home. With some attention to detail, you’ll have a healthy, happy dog with a beautiful coat that doesn’t leave too much of a mess.

Whether you’re battling seasonal shedding or dealing with a bulldog shedding a lot, the key is staying consistent with your efforts. Invest in the best shedding brush for French Bulldogs, check their diet, and always keep an eye on any changes in their shedding habits. By doing so, you can enjoy more time cuddling and less time vacuuming!


Which French bulldog color sheds the least?

The coats of lilacs are often smoother and they shed less. Every other hue is often somewhere in the middle. Keep in mind that this is only a general pattern that we’ve seen; it might not always hold. Yes, French Bulldogs shed occasionally, but they have some of the least amount of shedding of any canine.

Which kind of French bull sheds a lot?

The French Bulldog breed with the highest hair loss is the “Fluffy Frenchie”. The Fluffy Frenchie has a longer, fluffier coat than the traditional French Bulldog, which has a sleek, short coat. Shedding will increase with this longer coat. But it’s crucial to remember that even traditional French Bulldogs shed, particularly in the spring and fall. For both kinds, regular brushing and grooming help reduce shedding.

Why is my French Bulldog shedding so much?

Excessive shedding can be caused by seasonal changes, poor diet, allergies, or underlying health conditions. Regular grooming and proper nutrition help reduce shedding.

When do French Bulldogs shed the most?

French Bulldogs shed more during seasonal transitions, especially in spring and fall, as they adjust their coat for temperature changes.

Do French Bulldog puppies shed?

Yes, French Bulldog puppies also shed, although their shedding patterns may change as they grow older.

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